Wednesday, December 21, 2011
WINTER SOLSTICE: Celebrating the Return of the Light
This, the eve of winter, is the most sacred time of year, although for many of us it has been obliterated by the mall call of Black Friday sales and discounts, warrior-style traffic and other holiday encumbrances.
I, for one, have always loved the deep winter because it provides a refuge from the harshness outside, an interior time to think, write, and dream. The longest night of the year, December 21st, marks the return of the light in many cultures and civilizations past.
Lighting fires and candles is always the way I welcome the Solstice and the return of the light, which inevitably leads into celebrations around the New Year at my house. A riotous New Year’s Eve is not for me. I prefer quieter times with intimate friends. We also have a family ritual where we write down our wishes and intentions for the year on little pieces of paper, and, saying them to ourselves silently, surrender them to the fire.
A Happy Winter Solstice to everyone.
Here are some videos of us at the State Park near our home.
Grand Isle, LA - State Park and beach views.
Xi Shi Quan likes to climb up on picnic tables. She knows several tricks and I've always wanted to video them but it's hard to do so and hold the camera.
Xi Shi running free and off leash. She looks back at me several times, unsure if she is free or not, waiting for a command. I love to see her on her own and am getting more confident that she will come to me when called.
Grand Isle Pavillion and beach. We spend a lot of time on this covered deck which is not far from our site. Great views, always a breeze, and outside shower to wash off the sand.
Wave action as seen from the fishing pier.
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
I'm finally getting used to the iPhone and video camera but still a novice. Here are some of the best of my attempts. Click on "Watch on Youtube" to see full screen version.
Indianola Beach Texas was a delight. My pillows on the bed were mere feet from the water and the sound of the lapping waves was so relaxing.
Xi Shi enjoying the surf. It was really hard to video her while she ran around in circles from happiness.
IB Magee Beach Texas - Sitting in our front yard - and what a front yard it was. The best reason for coming to Texas is to be this near the Gulf.
Ferry ride from Port Aransas to Aransas Pass, Texas on my way back home. Strange feeling being in the RV over water but exciting as well.