Monday, July 25, 2011

Got to the campground this afternoon around 3:00.  Hooked up and opened the awning.  Set out my floor mat, table and chairs.  Then went inside where it was cool.  It's hilarious.  I had to laugh out loud at how ridiculous the whole situation was. 
When it cooled off later this evening I walked the dog on the beach till dark.  When I got back to the camper the mosquito fog truck was spraying the campground.  The mosquitoes are REALLY bad.  So it's stay inside or get eaten alive by the mosquitoes and faint from the extreme heat and humidity.  It's an outrageous situation.
Boiled shrimp tonight as I usually do but this time I cooked inside the camper.  Not a very pleasant smell to have permeate throughout your interior but the alternative was far worse.  I put too many lemon wedges into the water and everything tasted bitter to me.  So supper wasn't so great.
My neighbor has a little dog and they have put up a ramp for it to get into the camper.  I thought it was cute so I took a photo of it when they were gone.
Gonna watch a movie now and have some dessert.  Strawberry short cake... yes... that's what I'll have.    I can't ruin that, can I?


  1. The pesticide odor from the skeeter truck couldn't have been very pleasant either. Uh-oh, now I'll be thinking strawberry short cake all night.

    What a cute ramp. I wonder if I'll need one for Doris the Exploress. She'll probably expect a red carpet on it.

  2. Gypsy~In that sort of situation I think how it could be punching the clock at a job you hate. yuk

  3. Kimbopolo... I think red carpet is definitely in order.

    Michael... You're right about that. Been there, done that.

  4. How cute - the things we do for our pets! Sorry about the "stuff," mosquitoes, shrimp, humidity, etc. But surely strawberry shortcake will make everything better. :)
