Friday, August 26, 2011


Had a good night's sleep even though the bed was a bit crowded.  Now that the cats have accepted the dog they all want to sleep together.  This takes up half of the bed.  I'd prefer the whole bed to myself but did't want to discourage any bonding with the animals.  Maybe next time they can all sleep on the sofa.

Bunny Kitty was the last hold out.  She doesn't like people and hides whenever anyone comes to visit.  She has always stayed away from the dog until now.

How sweet.

This is where she usually sleeps - under the sofa.

Had my morning coffee and skipped breakfast in order to start picking up to go home.  Didn't have our morning walk to the beach as I decided to vacuum the coach and try and get all the pet fur out and cat litter that seems to find its way everywhere.  Then it was time to have brunch.

Put the TV antennae down, removed the windshield cover, rolled up the awning, packed up the table and chairs, folded the bike and trailer, emptied the doggie pool, unhooked the water, and unplugged the electric.  Walked around the coach to see that all was OK.  Drove to the dump station and emptied then drove to my camp.

It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be.  I didn't clean the deck but I did pick up garbage that the coons bring into the yard and hosed down the bricks downstairs.  Then I drove to the Century 21 office and signed the necessary papers in order to reduce the asking price on the camp.  Came down $5,000.  I hope that helps.  I want to sell that place sooooo bad.

Nice drive home.  The pets seem to know when we're getting close to home.  One of the cats started to meow a lot and smell the AC vent.  I swear I think she can smell home.  They nearly jumped out of the coach when they realized we were in the driveway.  I always carry each cat into the house then go back for the dog.  She is getting so good at following me that this time I let her walk off leash into the house.  

Took awhile to unload everything from the coach but was glad when all was done.  Now the coach is clean and ready for our next trip.  Not sure when that will be.  Funds are low.  Need that camp to SELL!!!


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