Friday, November 25, 2011


Woke up this morning at 5:30 and just lingered in bed till sunrise.  Too many dark clouds were blocking the sun so I didn't take any photos.  Had coffee and then took the dog for a last walk on the beach.  Had breakfast then headed out around 9:30 this morning.  Set the GPS for Lake Charles and arrived around 2:00.  There was only one spot left open for one night only and I took it. 
I rode around trying to find spot #36 but could not find it.  As I was riding through the park I noticed 2 girls from New York I had met at IB Magee Beach who stopped to chat with me about Red Tide.  Now here they were in Lake Charles.  What a surprise.  I stopped and chatted with them for a minute.  Then I saw rangers and flagged them down and asked to be escorted to my site.  I followed them and when we got to the spot there were 2 pickup trucks parked in my site.  The ranger asked that they be moved and they were.  I backed in and just plugged in the electric.  Didn't even hook up the water.   
I guess I failed to realize that during a holiday week and all the kids being out of school that the campgrounds would be full.  I'll know better than to travel during Thanksgiving week next time.
There must be 175 kids per camper in this campground.  I swear.  I tried walking my dog on the paved road but couldn't.  One little boy even yelled at me to move the dog out of his way as he peddled his bike and barely missed her.   If it hadn't been so late in the afternoon I would have left.  I'm only 3 hours from home but am tired driving.  So I went back inside the coach and that is where I'm staying till we leave in the morning. 
The magic I felt here when I passed through on my way to Texas is definitely gone.  The TV sets are all blaring some football game and every man within a half mile radius is hootin and hollerin for their team.  I hate sports of any kind so you can imagine how this is affecting me.  Those that are not watching the game are blaring their music for all to hear.  Can't wait to get out of here.  What a drastic change from the peace I found on the Texas beaches I just left behind.
Oh... and did I mention mosquitoes? 


  1. Sorry the magic is gone. Holiday weekends in parks that cater to rug-rats are never fun. At least you'll be home tomorrow.

  2. Or - you may find that the magic (peace & quiet) returns shortly after check-out time on Sunday. As a full-timer for 4 years, we just keep expectations low for holiday weekends, or make sure we are in an adults-only park - which is where we are now.

  3. You should have stayed in Texas. Carolyn is still over there trying to mack on the cute captain boy and generally running amok.

  4. I'll tell you another place to avoid, Crooked Creek Recreation Area in Pine Prairie. They let kids drive golf carts. Try walking in that campground. The sign says no swimming from fishing pier. They were riding bicycles off the pier into the lake.


  5. This is the appeal of boondocking - privacy and peace and quiet. I don't get the appeal of sports viewing either. So repetitive and boring! It's different if they were actually doing some sport. Too many people in too small a space who don't share your values does not make for pleasant times.

  6. lol Roxanne... amok? HAHaaaa oh, me ... thought I'd check in, Gypsy to see if you made it home safely.

  7. Hi Joe... isn't it sad that I've gotten so protective of my space that I won't share it with screaming kids? Oh well. Chalk it up to living this long ;-)

  8. Hi Susan... Adults only parks - now that's what I'm talking about ;-)

    Hi Roxanne... I liked the places I camped in Texas I just couldn't handle the air in Port Aransas. It wore me out trying to find a place where I could breathe without coughing. I probably would have stayed longer if not for that.

  9. Hi Martha... Thanks for the heads up on that campground. I'll definitely will stay away.

    Hi Tesaje... Too many people in too small a space who don't share my values does not make for pleasant times. I couldn't have said it better myself.

    Carolyn... yes I'm home safe and sound.

  10. Ugh, I would not have liked that either. It almost sounds like staying at a hotel at this point! Sorry the air quality was so bad at Port A, that's a shame.
