Friday, December 30, 2011


It’s dog flu season, so Xi Shi will be protecting her immune system, in part, by wearing her new coat and boots.  Don't be too quick to laugh at doggie boots because dogs lose heat through their feet so let's keep those little paws warm. 

Canine Influenza was identified by the Center for Disease Control in 2005.  So it is a relatively new influenza, a serious problem for dogs only, not transferable to their humans.

Although it is true that nobody catches a cold by being cold, the challenges to the body, like sustained cold and wet, can challenge the immune system.  Protecting the body’s first line of defense - the skin and temperature maintenance - is part of dog longevity.

If your dog displays any symptoms, don’t wait around.  You need a vet and the necessary antibiotic (Clavamox) to assist in dealing with this viral illness.

Things to look for are:  sleepiness, lack of appetite, a runny nose and, finally, a cough.  Short nosed dogs (like Shih Tzus) may never get to the cough because their passages are so small, so don’t “wait and see.”  The virus itself weakens the system allowing secondary bacterial infections to thrive, which is where the Clavamox comes in.  This seemingly mild respiratory problem can progress to pneumonia, so too much “wait and see” can be dangerous.

Zi Shi Quan and I want to wish everybody a happy, healthy New Year and lots of winter fun!

Tuesday, December 27, 2011


I love welcoming a new year.  It's one of  my favorite holidays.  The New Year means a new beginning for many people.  Resolutions are made and people commit to making their lives better in some way.

While a lot of people who make New Year's Resolutions do break them, research shows that making resolutions is useful.  People who make New Year's Resolutions are 10 times more likely to attain their goals than people who don't explicitly make resolutions.  It doesn't have to be hard if we remember that a resolution is light-hearted, something you do for fun.  A guideline, rather than a hard-and-fast line.

Here are some ideas I have.  Please feel free to post your resolutions in the comments below!  I’d love to hear them.

<3 Make 3 new friends
Go out of your way to meet new people.  Each friend represents a world in us, a world not born until they arrive, and it is only by this meeting that a new world is born.

<3 Take a risk
Every day, if you can handle it!   I mean things like… tell people how you feel about them, do something you fear, or start your own business. Taking risks helps to keep you youthful, as well as preventing your life from becoming a yawn-inducing routine.

<3 Master a party trick
No one knows party tricks any more! In the 70s, it seemed like everyone had some strange skill that they could show off at parties — weird stomach contortion, juggling, complicated origami, and push-up demonstrations were all popular. But these days, you see nothing of the sort.  Decide to learn some strange skill that you can demonstrate at a moment’s notice.

<3 Start yoga or meditation
It doesn't have to cost money or even take a lot of time. You can download all kinds of yoga videos and borrow books on meditation from the library for nothing.  Both activities are really good for your body and mind.

<3 Learn something new
Have you vowed to make this year the year to learn something new?  Perhaps you are considering a career change, want to learn a new language, or just how to fix your computer?  Whether you take a course or read a book, you'll find education to be one of the easiest, most motivating New Year's resolutions to keep.

<3 Actively promote equality and civil rights
An important issue for all of us is the status of civic equality and civil rights.   We should commit ourselves to the pursuit of equal civil rights for all.  There must also be a moral component to this because in order to help improve society, we must promote a moral and just conception of our community.  Equality and full civil rights must be established for all citizens, whatever their faith or lack thereof.

<3 Develop an intellectual curiosity 
A healthy intellectual curiosity serves us well in many ways.  It stimulates your brain, exercises your research skills, and in the process, makes you a smarter and more interesting person.  It doesn’t matter what you decide to become curious about as long as you have some honest initial interest and a willingness to investigate.  In my opinion, participating in this little endeavor is a great wellness prescription for your life.  A healthy intellectual curiosity should be a regular mental exercise.  Just like physical fitness, it will create a healthier and more wellness-oriented life.  So, if you want to add a little spice to your life, I highly recommend you take action and nurture some healthy intellectual curiosity!

If you try to change everything all at once, you end up changing nothing. You spread yourself and your focus too thin. Think of the one thing that is the most important for you to change in your life, and make that your one resolution.

Good luck to you and Happy New Year.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

WINTER SOLSTICE: Celebrating the Return of the Light

This, the eve of winter, is the most sacred time of year, although for many of us it has been obliterated by the mall call of Black Friday sales and discounts, warrior-style traffic and other holiday encumbrances.

I, for one, have always loved the deep winter because it provides a refuge from the harshness outside, an interior time to think, write, and dream. The longest night of the year, December 21st, marks the return of the light in many cultures and civilizations past.

Lighting fires and candles is always the way I welcome the Solstice and the return of the light, which inevitably leads into celebrations around the New Year at my house.  A riotous New Year’s Eve is not for me. I prefer quieter times with intimate friends. We also have a family ritual where we write down our wishes and intentions for the year on little pieces of paper, and, saying them to ourselves silently, surrender them to the fire.

A Happy Winter Solstice to everyone.


Here are some videos of us at the State Park near our home.

Grand Isle, LA - State Park and beach views.

Xi Shi Quan likes to climb up on picnic tables.  She knows several tricks and I've always wanted to video them but it's hard to do so and hold the camera.  

Xi Shi running free and off leash.  She looks back at me several times, unsure if she is free or not, waiting for a command.  I love to see her on her own and am getting more confident that she will come to me when called.

Grand Isle Pavillion and beach.  We spend a lot of time on this covered deck which is not far from our site.  Great views, always a  breeze, and outside shower to wash off the sand.

Wave action as seen from the fishing pier.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011


I'm finally getting used to the iPhone and video camera but still a novice.   Here are some of the best of my attempts.  Click on "Watch on Youtube" to see full screen version.

Indianola Beach Texas was a delight.  My pillows on the bed were mere feet from the water and the sound of the lapping waves was so relaxing.

Xi Shi enjoying the surf.   It was really hard to video her while she ran around in circles from happiness.

IB Magee Beach Texas - Sitting in our front yard - and what a front yard it was.  The best reason for coming to Texas is to be this near the Gulf.

Ferry ride from Port Aransas to Aransas Pass, Texas on my way back home.  Strange feeling being in the RV over water but exciting as well.

Friday, December 16, 2011


Gone too soon.  A tireless supporter of human rights and a fighter of dogma under any guise.
I will forever be grateful for the impact he has had on my life and the lives of so many others.  His writings, his speeches, his courage, his humor, his mockery, his courtesy, his unapologetic tone in opposition to the insanity of this world... they were empowering. 
Hitch showed me that superstition could be challenged without fear, that people can see their own blip of an existence and still be filled with gratitude and awe, and that life is too short to surrender any opportunity to fight for our convictions.

It's a heartbreaking day, but for the life and influence of Christopher Hitchens, I am thankful.

Thursday, December 15, 2011


Woke up to sun shinning through my bedroom window and it turned out to be a perfectly georgeous day.  I rolled out my awning which I hadn't done in months and sat outside to enjoy my morning coffee.

Caiche' and Bunny watching a little bird on the picnic table.

My friend Pat came over this morning to take me to the boat dock for some fresh shrimp.  We first went over to his place and I helped him unload a sofa that he picked up for one of his rental properties.   Then we headed to the boat dock.

Xi Shi goes crazy when she sees Pat.  He has to pick her up and she makes these strange vocal sounds trying to communicate with him.  It's so strange to see her act that way with somebody besides me. 

There are 3 containers of shrimp of different sizes to choose from.  I bought 6 pounds of the largest ones.  I want to freeze a couple of pounds for my home freezer.  I boiled the rest this afternoon with onions, garlic, potatoes, and no corn because I forgot to buy some - and of course liquid crab and shrimp boil... liquid fire.  Love the stuff.

Pat came over and enjoyed some shrimp.  We had some wine and conversation and enjoyed the campfire.  What a great ending to a fun week at the beach.  Going home tomorrow.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011


The weather today was great!  I put on some shorts and loaded the new beach cart with my camera, some snacks, and my little doggie and we headed out to the fishing pier.

Xi Shi likes to ride in the beach cart but I let her walk back.

The pier is at the end of the island near Barataria Pass.  Across the Pass is Grand Terre Island where the famous pirate Jean Lafitte had his headquarters in the early 1800s.

This is a very busy waterway as many work boats are transporting supplies and workers to the oil rigs offshore.

Took some photos of waves breaking on the rocks as well as waves that were rolling in.  I had a unique vantage point being up on the pier.

She and I had a great time.

Supper tonight is left-overs.  Tonight's movie is "The Debt."  

Tuesday, December 13, 2011


We had some excitement here last night. A loud noise under the coach woke me in the middle of the night. Then I heard cat screams and a scuffle. It sounded like 2 cats fighting but now that I think about it, I only heard one cat screaming. I got up and opened the door but hesitated to go outside and look under the coach. So I slammed the door and hoped that it scared away the animals.

Then again at 5:00 this morning there was another fight. This time it sounded like they were inside my coach. The fight was so loud with sounds of clanging against the under side of the coach. I got up again, opened the door and slammed it. Then I thought if I started the motor of the coach they would run away, but was too sleepy and went back to bed.

Woke up around 8:00 and opened the door to a beautiful sunny day. Then I heard a faint, little meow.  I immediately thought that it must be an abandoned kitten and I’m always a sucker for them and knew I would rescue it. I followed the sound and inside the back tire well was my poor little Bunny Kitty sitting on top of the dual tires. I reached for her and she kept crying as I picked her up and cuddled her and took her inside. I checked her body and didn’t see any blood or cuts but she was limping and couldn’t put her weight on her right back leg. I felt around for broken bones but all seemed fine. My first thought was that there must be a hole somewhere in the coach where she escaped to the outside. My mind raced to try and figure out how she wound up outside of the coach. In an instant I remembered what I had done the night before that led to this circumstance.

Around 10:00pm last night I opened the door to let the dog out for the last time and saw the clouds had parted and there was the full moon. I grabbed my camera and tried to get a good shot of it. I left the screen door open because my cats have been taught that they can not go outside from the coach and they never have. Especially this little meek and shy Bunny Kitty who hides under the furniture when anyone comes around. Never in my wildest dreams did I think she would sneek out. After taking many photos, went back inside and watched a movie then went to bed and I never noticed her missing because she likes to sleep under the sofabed. I assumed that’s where she was. Her meow is very soft and I never heard her crying at the door during the night.

So my poor little Bunny spent the night under the coach fighting off who knows what while I slept. Can’t tell you how awful I feel about it. That just breaks my heart. I’ll have to be real cautious from now on and make sure that they don’t slip out without me noticing. One thing that I am pleased about is that she didn’t run away into the woods but stayed under her home. I’m sure she could hear us inside and wondered why she couldn’t get back in. So sad. Thank goodness she wasn’t killed. She’s been sleeping on the bed in her favorite spot all day. I’m sure she didn’t get any sleep last night. It’s a good thing I didn’t start the motor which probably would have made her run into the woods and become more vulnerable to another animal. The small space inside the wheel well kept her safe.

I'm keeping that window shut Momi.

Xi Shi Quan and I took our usual long morning walk on the beach. It’s still very windy but not as cold. Took a few photos. Came back to the coach and had breakfast. Rode my bike around the campground. I’m loving this weather and tomorrow will be even warmer.

This afternoon more RVs drove into the campground. One couple is from Colorado. Another couple in a truck camper are from South Dakota. They told me they came here because they thought it would be warm and sunny and that we had no real winter. I assured them that we do indeed have a real winter with freezing temps but that it didn’t last very long. I’m glad that tomorrow will be warmer so they can enjoy the beach.

This camper is from Louisiana.  Is he serious about catching fish and crabs or what?  Notice the freezer.

Supper tonight is beef roast, Jasmin rice with gravy, and corn. Tonight’s movie is "A Family of Spies."

Monday, December 12, 2011


Slept well.  Got up around 8:00 and had coffee.  Got bundled up to take the dog for a walk.  When we got back from our walk I was pretty cold but then saw a guy riding his bike and it gave me the incentive to take mine out of the basement and go for a ride.  The tires needed inflating so I tried to find the air pump which took a while because there is so much stuff that was on top of it.  Finally found it and fixed the tires.  Tried to straighten out the basement which is still full of sand from Texas but I think I'll wait till I get back home for that job.  The ride was nice, even though the north wind was hard to ride against.  However, on the return the wind was at my back and the riding was smooth.  Then it was time for a late breakfast.

Was going to have a little computer time but my friend Pat came over and brought me some lunch - stuffed bell pepper and smothered potatoes.  Delicious.  We had a nice visit.  He's a really good friend. 

Then it was time for another walk on the beach.  It remained windy and cloudy all day but tomorrow the sun will shine and it will warm up a bit.  I postponed getting shrimp until the weather gets a little warmer because I want to cook them outside.

Took some photos but they are really dreary looking.  That does not reflect our mood though.  We're both happy to be here.

Supper is French Bread Pizza and beer.  Tonight's movie is "Pirates of the Caribbean On Stranger Tides."

Great day.  

Sunday, December 11, 2011


Left Houma this morning around 10:00 and arrived in Grand Isle at 11:30.  Stopped at my friend Pat's house and he invited me to have a meal with him and his girlfriend.  Stayed for a couple of hours then headed to the State Park for the next 5 days.  The sun had finally come out and it was nice and crispy cold.  The forecast for the week looks great.  In the upper 60s and 70 on Wednesday and Thursday. 

Got set up and then took Xi Shi for a walk on the beach.  She remembers it well and knew just where to go to get there.  We had it all to ourselves as it was deserted.  I was surprised to see how many campers were in the park.  We took a walk to look for out of state license plates and found Montana, Washington, and Indiana.

Tonight it is around 45 degrees and I'm very comfy cozy in my pajamas with the electric fireplace going.  It gives off such a pretty glow.  I tried to take a photo of it but the flames don't show up.

This is a nice fire we had in our backyard last night.

Tomorrow Pat will come by and pick me up and take me to the boat dock to buy some fresh shrimp for a shrimp boil.    It's been so long since I had my seasoned boiled shrimp and potatoes and corn.  Ummmmm.... can't wait.

I'm getting better at taking video with my iPhone and today I took about 5 different ones of the walk to the beach.  The wind was blowing pretty hard so the sound is loud, but they're not bad.  I tried to load one but it didn't work.  I'll try again tomorrow.

It's time to sit on the floor and throw toys for my doggie to fetch.  She likes to play that game every night before bed.  It's also time for supper.  Having ribeye steak and potatoes... and of course red wine.  Tonight's movie is Midnight Bayou.

What a great day it has been.

Saturday, December 3, 2011


Well, I've been home a week today and have had time to reflect on my recent journey.
I had no idea how much you could learn and how much you could gain personally by blogging. I posted my first blog on October 8, 2010 and have blogged during every camping trip I have taken. I have received many comments on my posts and enjoyed every one of them. I began this solo adventure a year ago when I purchased my motorhome and it has been incredible, lots of travel, and extremely eye opening. But it was not without upsets.
I guess I had high expectations for this last sojourn to Texas - some from the people I would meet and some from the places I would see. That's not always a good thing. I will say that I was disappointed many times on this trip. From getting sick as well as watching my poor little Xi Shi suffer to being unable to camp where I wanted to and spending too much on campground fees. These are things that I had not anticipated would happen. However, I am thankful for some of the things that did happen.
I learned how to care for my coach in a manner that I did not know before. I felt safe in every place I stayed. I met nice people and their beautiful pets who they adore. I saw sunrises and sunsets and moon rises over the water that I've not seen the likes of. I saw a different way to live that might not be for me but is interesting and fascinating all the same.
It was hard for me to use this time for sensing any kind of sign or feeling from the ones within. The most difficult part was remaining centered when confronted with negativity. This is draining to my psyche and I tend to avoid those types of situations. However, I did encounter a few.
I generally go to the beach for rejuvenation and most of my attempts at that were hindered by one thing or another. The ocean is very powerful and fills the void in me that only it can fill. It is my drug of choice. Confronting obstacles while trying to accomplish this task is upsetting, to say the least.
The Top Things I Would Do Differently On My Next Journey:

1. I will not have high expectations of people or places in the future.
2. I will probably do better with less planning of activities or events.
3. I will travel at a slower pace next time.
4. I will learn how to tow a get-about vehicle (golf cart & trailer).
5. I will boondock more.

6. I know that people are strange when you're a stranger - and I will not feel the need to associate with such in order to enjoy myself.

Things I've Learned About Myself Since I've Started RV Solo Traveling:

1. To value every person who takes the time to teach what they know about RVing. There is so much to learn and share in the travel community.
2. To always be myself. I'm not afraid to express my own voice and to say when I like something, have mixed feelings of a place or person, feel lonely on the road, or how I've evolved through travel.
3. To chase my dreams. I only live once! This blog has been an eye opener since it has exposed me to many free-thinkers out there whom I hope to meet someday.
4. I will spend less time online. Social media has so much power but just being online doesn't cut it. Connections have to be made, and a sense of community has to be created. My fellow travel bloggers are great at this, and I admire them so much for their impressive work.
5. I am not as much of a loner as I thought I was.
6. I do not want to be a perpetual nomad. Travel will always be an important part of my life, but I need a home base and prefer a slower pace when it comes to travel.
7. I am capable of much more than I ever imagined. Although I was confident going into this and did entirely too much research to prepare for this trip, I have been in many situations I did not expect.
8. I think I have more to learn about myself. When you take yourself away from a comfortable situation, a normal routine, an established group of friends and family, you are automatically focusing more on yourself. You think about your life more. You think about what is important to you. You take fewer things for granted.
9. Traveling solo for me is an introspective journey. I want to absorb more, experience more, react more, and share more. Traveling solo is the perfect time for deep introspection. Traveling alone can give us some of the answers we've been seeking and help us discover the meaning of all our un-clarified thoughts. Look at it this way, this is the time for me to be ME. It’s my world, my time, my adventure.

10. I am not always up for the challenge. Life on the road can give us so many challenges that test our innate patterns and reactions, our emotions, our likes and dislikes. Technically, I found myself in solitude.

11. I need a better measure of my patience. Traveling, either by myself or with friends gives me a better measure of my patience. You learn to have patience with the things that are out of your control (like delays, weather, etc) and you learn not to waste your patience with the things that don’t deserve it (like certain attitudes, intolerance, etc).
12. I'm learning how to be confident about my RV. My confidence will grow as I see how things that depend on me become accomplished. It’s extremely satisfying to see all that I have accomplished so far – be it traveling to "X" amount of states, or doing a hike cross-country, or sunning at the best beaches in the country. It's whatever turns you on.
13. I'm learning a greater tolerance on things being different. Traveling exposes you to different cultures and mentalities. When traveling alone, I get an even greater exposure since I don’t enclose my social self with my group of friends. I get to talk more freely with locals, have deeper conversations, and even appreciate better many different perspectives. To experience a different culture openly is to understand it and tolerate it, even if I don't agree with its beliefs.
14. I enjoy having a greater independence. Traveling alone comes with greater responsibility. Everything depends on me. But at the same time, my independence gives me greater flexibility.
15. I'm learning more about love and compassion. This could be one of the most important things you get to learn about yourself when traveling solo. You travel for yourself, to re-discover yourself, to experiment with your life, to explore what’s in you. Whether conscious or not, traveling alone serves as a catalyst for the love for oneself... thanks to the constant ease of introspection.

There are many more ways traveling solo can have an impact on me. But, just because I travel solo doesn't mean I will "transform" myself into a whole new person. Some do, but most don’t. It all depends on how open and receptive you are while traveling and how you decide to interact with your changing environment. Change doesn't come instantly, it is slow and progressive.

Lets say that traveling "plants the seed." At first you won't notice anything different, but eventually you will start seeing things in a different way, will desire things in ways you didn't expect, will change certain priorities, and without knowing, you are a different person. That change is a whole process, a personal learning process... a journey.


Saturday, November 26, 2011


Left Sam Houston Jones State Park at 9:00 this morning and headed for Houma.  Got home around 1:00.  Pulled in the driveway and my animals went wild.  The dog could see out the window and knew we were home.  She jumped down from her seat and started barking.  The cats also came out from their hiding places and were meowing. 

Got out of the coach and unlocked the front door of the house then went back to get the dog.  She ran into the house and sniffed everything as if to say, "Yes this is mine."  Went back out for the cats which I usually have to coax out of the vehicle but this time Caiche came up to me at the door and I picked her up and took her inside.  Went back for Bunny who always gives me a hard time but she also came right up for me to carry her inside. 

I think they took this confinement the hardest.  They love to run up and down the stairs and play chase and also are allowed out in the back fenced in yard every morning.  So they really missed that, I'm sure.  I opened the back door for all of them to go into the yard while I unloaded the coach and that's where they stayed for a good while.  When I finished, I sat on the screen porch and watched them play in the yard.  It felt good to be in my chair, on my screen porch, surrounded by my art work and a cool breeze blowing in.

Once everything was out of the coach I went upstairs and took a very long hot bath in my tub.  Ahhh... how I missed my tub.  I've never really liked showers.  I prefer a good long soak in lots of bubbles.  Yes, that's what I like.

Went to Burger King and got a whopper.  My first burger this month.
My neighbor came over and we opened a bottle of champagne (the one I took to Texas but never opened) to celebrate my return.  She brought her doggie over so he could visit with Xi Shi Quan.  They really like each other and usually take walks together in the afternoons.  I think he missed her while we were gone.

It's good to travel and get away but I always like coming home.  And just in time for a cold front coming in tomorrow which means it's Chicken Gumbo File' time.  I'm looking forward to lighting our first fireplace fire of the season.  I had so hoped to have a campfire on the beach in Texas but it just didn't happen.  So tomorrow I'll light one in the outside firepit and have the neighbors over.  We can have a drum circle and chant and just be silly.

It's so good to be home.


Gas = $431.07 (2 weeks parked)
Food = $177.77 (ate out twice)
Parks = $517.46
TOTAL= $1126.30

Friday, November 25, 2011


Woke up this morning at 5:30 and just lingered in bed till sunrise.  Too many dark clouds were blocking the sun so I didn't take any photos.  Had coffee and then took the dog for a last walk on the beach.  Had breakfast then headed out around 9:30 this morning.  Set the GPS for Lake Charles and arrived around 2:00.  There was only one spot left open for one night only and I took it. 
I rode around trying to find spot #36 but could not find it.  As I was riding through the park I noticed 2 girls from New York I had met at IB Magee Beach who stopped to chat with me about Red Tide.  Now here they were in Lake Charles.  What a surprise.  I stopped and chatted with them for a minute.  Then I saw rangers and flagged them down and asked to be escorted to my site.  I followed them and when we got to the spot there were 2 pickup trucks parked in my site.  The ranger asked that they be moved and they were.  I backed in and just plugged in the electric.  Didn't even hook up the water.   
I guess I failed to realize that during a holiday week and all the kids being out of school that the campgrounds would be full.  I'll know better than to travel during Thanksgiving week next time.
There must be 175 kids per camper in this campground.  I swear.  I tried walking my dog on the paved road but couldn't.  One little boy even yelled at me to move the dog out of his way as he peddled his bike and barely missed her.   If it hadn't been so late in the afternoon I would have left.  I'm only 3 hours from home but am tired driving.  So I went back inside the coach and that is where I'm staying till we leave in the morning. 
The magic I felt here when I passed through on my way to Texas is definitely gone.  The TV sets are all blaring some football game and every man within a half mile radius is hootin and hollerin for their team.  I hate sports of any kind so you can imagine how this is affecting me.  Those that are not watching the game are blaring their music for all to hear.  Can't wait to get out of here.  What a drastic change from the peace I found on the Texas beaches I just left behind.
Oh... and did I mention mosquitoes? 

Thursday, November 24, 2011


Had a great night’s sleep on Magnolia Beach. Had my bedroom window open and the waves were rolling in and lulling me to sleep. I got up around 8:00 and missed the sunrise but was probably my best night's sleep of the whole trip.  Took a nice long walk with the dog and then had breakfast.

Packed up and left Magnolia Beach, TX around 10:30 this morning and arrived in Surfside Beach, TX around 1:00. The campground was filled except for one spot so I took it even though it was near the highway and not the beach. I can still see the Gulf from my front door so I’m happy.

The manager informed me that there is a free beach I could camp on overnight a bit down the road but it was isolated and I might not feel safe. I will ride that way tomorrow and check it out.

Parked and got hooked up and then took the dog for a walk on the beach. It’s cold so I had to come back for my jacket. There were a lot more people on the beach today than when I was last here. Took some photos and sat for awhile. I really like this place. Just wish it wasn’t so expensive. $42 a night is just too much but I splurged and don’t regret it. Just being able to look at the cute manager is worth it.

I’m thinking about heading for Lake Charles, LA tomorrow instead of stopping at Turtle Bayou RV Park near Wallisville, TX. That will make it a long driving day but if I can do it maybe I can stay 2 days at Sam Houston Jones State Park in Lake Charles. I really liked it when I stayed there on my way through to here plus I get it for half price. Then I’ll be home on Sunday as scheduled.