Wednesday, February 15, 2012


Last night here in Bogue Chitto was really freaky.  Since I'm here virtually alone in one half of the park, I felt a little creeped out by it all.  It was soooo dark I could barely see where to walk the dog.  I put on my porch light and my flood light in the back of my coach and that helped.  However, even Xi Shi felt the eeriness
and refused to walk around the site.  She'd just stop and look at me then I'd say let's go and she'd walk a little ways and then stop and look around.  At one point we heard a noise in the woods and she started barking.  I calmed her down and waited for her to potty but she never did so we went back inside.  The ranger rode by our road a few times up until around 9:00pm and then we were on our own.  There was an alligator croaking right by our deck.  When I'd go to look it would stop.

Slept well and woke about 7:00.  Took the dog for a walk around the pond and took more photos of our campsite from across the water.  It was really foggy this morning so the photos are not as nice as they could have been if it were sunny.  I did return this afternoon when the sun came out for about an hour and took a few more shots.

This is a nice site right across the pond from me.

Even the bathhouse has a deck.

I made it to the Bogue Chitto River and RV Beach area.  Xi Shi went wild when she saw the sand.  She started running ahead of me and you could see her happiness as she ran down the paths to the river.  When she got there it was a little disappointing because the water is about 10 feet below the sand we were standing on.  She just stood there and looked at it for a minute then turned around and ran some more in the sand.

Beach access bridge.

Bogue Chitto River

I checked out site 119 which the ranger had recommended and it's just perfect for me.  There is sand all around it instead of rock which hurt little doggie feet.  I would stay in #119 next time.  There is also #121 which faces a winding creek which I like.  It also has sand.   We headed back to our site as it started to drizzle. 

Love this site.  Notice my nearest neighbor who also has his very own pond.

This site has no deck but a creek running behind it.

Took a nap and later sat out on the deck and chilled.  The park rangers stopped by to inform me that there is a chance of flash flooding tonight with a line of thunderstorms coming our way.  They said I could stay or move up to the highlands.  They were pretty sure I wouldn't flood tonight but if I felt I should move during the night to go ahead and let them know in the morning.

While they were here we saw a baby alligator swimming right in front of my deck.  Then off to the right were two deer running in the road.  The rangers stated that it was their way of reacting to bad weather coming.

After they left I unhooked the water but left the electric plugged in.  It's easier to unhook if I need to in a hurry.  I'll stay where I am for now.  If I have to move during the night I will.  I plan on leaving early in the morning and head for home.

Alligator about 3 or 4 feet long.


  1. I really like the pictures with the fog, especially with your sweet pup in the foreground. Interesting shots.

  2. Hi Kate... I was using my iPhone camera but should have taken my Nikon D80 for some really good shots. It's just so easy to carry the phone instead.

  3. LOL -- reading your comments about feeling creeped out by being so alone in the park really hit my funny bone. I love people, but I need to take them in controlled doses; and both my wife and I have our share of the hermit gene. Being able to BE that alone is something we are looking forward to a great deal -- once we get his house sold and are able to take our Winne Journey on the road fulltime.

    On quite the separate subject, fog is always such an interesting phenomenon -- and subject for photos.

    Keep up the good work. Love the blog.

    Away We Go

  4. Hi Peter... Thanks for the compliment. That night was the only night I have ever felt vulnerable while RVing. I think it was because there were no other campers in my area. In fact, there were a total of 5 campers in the whole park on that night - 2 in the half I was in and 3 in the other section. It's a huge park and kinda felt like a ghost town. I like being away from other campers but this was just a bit strange. And the fog and the gator and the rain... well... you get the picture.

  5. Wow, I need to catch up on your blog! Xi Shi is a parti?? wow, I would not have guessed that from past photos of her in coat! I like the fog pics, makes it look mysterious. But yes, I also know that strange, uneasy feeling. Glad no flooding occurred & that you didn't have to move.

  6. Hi TexCyn... When Xi Shi's coat is long she turns almost completely white. I miss her long hair and don't think I'll ever cut her short again.

    I couldn't help thinking just how wonderful it is in the summertime when the park is full and everyone is enjoying the beach and the fishing and cooking out. I must say though, this is the darkest place I've ever experienced. There are no street lights anywhere. All of the other parks had at least a couple of lights here and ther but not this one. I see whey they have lantern poles at each site ;-)

  7. I pulled over at a park a few years ago. It was when I was traveling in my van, so I just wanted a place to snooze for a few hours. But it was so eery that I left. I like the Ganado State park in Ms, but it's also very dark at night. Last year, I knocked my side clearance light off on a post that you could not see. YOu have to back up into the sites, but it was dark. After doing that & not being able to see all the trees, posts & such around me, I left & went to Walmart & parked there instead! Xi Shi is cute either way :-)

  8. Hi TexCyn... Thanks for the compliment on Xi Shi. She means the world to me.
