Sunday, December 2, 2012


Left Holly Beach this morning around 10:00 and rode around the tiny community to admire the beach houses.  Lots of them look new and some were still being built.  I hear they got lots of damage from Katrina.  I just love the pretty colors they have chosen for their houses.

My favorite is the pink and turquoise.

Yellow, orange, and green... so cute. 

I thought I might stay here a few days but I'd much rather the beach.  This park is right behind where I was staying.

Bucaneer Blvd... love it.

As I rode further up the highway I noticed several more tiny communities with beach access and free camping.  I found a place I might stop when I return home.  It is very close to one of the houses so I would feel a little more comfortable being next to residents.

Driving into Galveston was awesome.  The Gulf comes right up to the highway.  There are many beach access areas and you can pull right up on the shoulder of the highway next to the beach.

The townhouses reminded me of home. 

I especially like the blue one ;-)

So pretty.

We arrived in Galveston around 3:00 and checked in to the State Park.  There is no water view to speak of as there is a levee between the park and the Gulf.  My site is #18 next to the walk-over to the beach.

Poor little Xi Shi Quan.  She tried walking in the grass and couldn't so she just laid herself down and wouldn't come to me when I called.  I checked her paws and sure enough... there were spurs.  Yes... I'm back in Texas.  This happened to her last winter when we were here and I had to put shoes on her feet.

I made sure she walked on the pavement till we got to the beach so she could potty.  I brought her shoes with us but don't think it necessary here at the beach as long as she stays off the grass.

Crossing over to the beach.

The beach is clean.

Someone had a lot of fun building these sand structures.




I hated to see her go in because I gave her a bath just a few days ago and she smelled so good.  Now she'll smell like a wet dog cause I'm not bathing her again.  Rinsed her off outside and dried her off with a towel once we were back in the camper.  She's a happy little Shih Tzu and sleeping right beside me on the sofa as I write this.  She wasn't interested in going into the water at Holly Beach.  Maybe because it was colder than it is today.  I walked the beach here without a coat this afternoon.  It was really warm.

It was a long day of driving but without incident.  It took me 5 hours to get to Holly Beach and 5 hours to get to Galveston.  Five hours is really more than I care to do in a day.

I like boondocking, especially on the beach.  However, it's nice to be back on electric and water.  I'll stay here a couple of days before moving on further down the coast.


  1. Now you are in my country! It's been awhile since I've been down to Galveston. Makes me a bit homesick. Love the pic of XiShi with the circle of the structure around her. Yes, those blankin' sticker burrs! Owie. Poor baby.

    1. Hi Cyn... Yes, Galveston sure is your part of the country. I've been here before but it was back in the 1970s and don't remember much about it.

      I'm still picking burrs off of Xi from yesterday. They not only get on her paws but in her long hair on her legs and belly. So sad.

  2. I camped at Galveston State Park in 2011 and had to stay on the bay side because they had not rebuilt all of the utilities on the Gulf side after the last hurricane damage. I read that people on the gulf side complained about seaweed on the beach and wanted a refund of their camping fees, that's so silly - what do they expect on a beach.
