Tuesday, February 12, 2013


Happy Mardi Gras to everyone!  The weather here is awful and I'm not going to the parade today.  It's a good thing I went to a night parade a couple of days ago when the weather was nice. 

I invited a friend Carolyn and her dog Prince to go with us in the RV to the parade.  We parked as close to the street as we could in a shopping center parking lot and had a good view of the parade route.  Opened up the slide and had lots of room for the doggies to play.  I brought a pizza and beer and other snacks and we enjoyed munching down while waiting for the parade.  We were in a well lit area and right next to a Daiquiri Shop.

Carolyn had a friend who was riding in the parade and we waited for her float to arrive and walked to the street so she could get a special throw from her friend.  It was a little chilly and I didn't wear my coat so today I'm having a relapse of my sore throat.  But Carolyn did get a nice necklace and we both caught bags of necklaces thrown our way.  I especially like the rubber footballs that were thrown.  These are great to use for outdoor doggie toys for the back yard.  Carolyn got 2 of those and gave them to me.

It was a great time and I'm glad we attended that night parade because today there is 80% chance of rain.  We'll be staying in and enjoying our fireplace... unless I have to go out to buy more Nyquil ;-)

My Mardi Gras girls.

Those are baby shirts bought at WalMart and unsnapped for the doggies.

My Cha Bu giving me a look and asking why was I holding her back.  She just can't keep still for one minute.

Prince and Carolyn

Heating up the pizza.

Photos I don't want my doctor to see... ;-) 

Pizza and beer... my favorite foods.

Prince getting into the Mardi Gras spirit wearing my feather boa.

This is how it looked when we left the coach to go to the street.  I was surprised that Cha Bu climbed up onto the dashboard.

We were in an area that was roped off so not many folks in front of us... however, the street was crowded. 

My favorite float... featuring Andrew Jackson and the Battle of New Orleans.

Here are our darlings patiently waiting for our return.

That's Cha Bu sitting on her front seat bed and Prince on the sofa.

They were very well behaved and we all enjoyed the night out.


  1. Too cool! Hope your better now!!!

    1. Hi Donna... I'm still fighting this sore throat with all the coughing and runny nose making me feel miserable. Hope it goes away within the next few days as I plan to go to Grand Isle this Thursday for a week. It should be cold but sunny. Hope you and yours are doing well.

  2. Ugh hate the sickies! Feel better soon! The dogs looked like they had a grand time like you two did.

    1. Hi Michelle... I'm hoping to feel better soon and am having lots of soups and liquids and meds in order to bounce back quickly.

  3. What and beer with a friend...
    and what a great idea baby shirts!!!1
    have fun at the beach

    1. Hi Donna... Yes, I've often said that life is all about pizza and beer. I love the baby shirts and always find cute ones for my little Tzus.

  4. Haha, pictures my doctor does not want to see (with the pizza & beer) LOVE that bedazzled shirt. looked like a good time was had by all!!! What fun!!!! That is on my bucket list to go to some of those parades at some time!!!

    1. Hi Luci and Loree... That was the first taste of pizza I had since my diagnosis of Diabetes in August... and boy did I enjoy it. Hope you get to experience a Mardi Gras Parade one day.

  5. What a great idea to take the motor home and have a fun party waiting for the parade to start. And then take the pups along so they could watch from a safe place.

    Someday I will get there for that fun event.
    Feel better soon

    1. Hi JO... This is the 3rd year that I attend a parade in the RV and it's been great fun. I'm feeling a little better today. Just need some sand and sun.

  6. Love your Mardi Gras outfit as well as those of the dogs. Great idea of onesies for them.

    1. Hi ld2... I purchased that Mardi Gras yoke at a specialty store years ago and it has become my only costume that I wear over a MardiGras t-shirt. I used to dress up in elaborate costumes for Mardi Gras but it got old and not many are doing that anymore.

  7. Don't you just love all those bright colors?

    1. Hi Janice... I love Mardi Gras as well as brightly colored things. When I paint I always use the primary colors in my work. It just makes me feel good. Thanks for stopping by.

  8. Ok, are the kitties on the overhead window?? Or are those pillows? cAn't quite tell. But it sure looks like fun for everyone! (catching up but have to go feed the pupper dogs now)
    You'll like this -- I noticed the Mardi Gras mask on your wall & thought, oh, that is so New Orleans...then I looked up & well, I have red peppers decorating my kitchen, so I guess one could say, Oh, that is so Texas! heehee
    You look VERY HAPPY over your pizza & beer!! yes, hide those pix from your doc!

    1. Hi Cyn... Those are cat pillows that I made some time ago. I left the cats at home on that night. I only take them on long trips. Otherwise, they stay home with lots of food, water, and a kiddie swimming pool filled with litter.
