Sunday, January 29, 2012


What a beautiful day it was for our trip to the city.  My neighbor Carolyn and I and of course Xi Shi Quan left the house around 10:00 am.  Got into the city and parked behind Cafe Du Monde.  Took a brief walk on the levee near the river and took some photos of Xi Shi in her litle pink stroller then headed for the Market place. 

Xi Shi by the Mississippi River near the crescent.

Mississippi River Bridge

Being a Saturday things were really loud and lots of folks in the streets but it was manageable with the stroller.  After a while, Xi Shi started trembling and I realized that the large maintenance trucks in the back streets were really loud and that was frightening her.   I opened her screen to console her and she jumped out and started running through the open air store where we were shopping.  Carolyn caught her just in time and I put her back into her stroller.  Eventually she calmed down but it was a bit much for her.  Frankly, it was too loud for me as well.  Once the trucks left the area it was better.

We didn't go into Cafe Du Monde.  I wasn't sure how we would manage with the doggie stroller so we just went into the French Market instead.

Behind Cafe Du Monde

Joan of Arc flying her flag.

The people of France gave the golden bronze statue of Joan of Arc to the City of New Orleans in 1972.  This statue is an exact copy of the famous 1880 Emmanuel Fremiet equestrian statue of Joan located at Place des Pyramides, Paris.  This statue was originally located in front of the International Trade Mart building but it was moved in 1999 to its present location of the 'Place De France" on Decatur Street in the French Quarter next to the French Market.  The inscription on the pedestal of St. Joan's statue reads as follows:
1412 - 1431
Gift of the People of France

We then entered the market place.  So much to see so little time.  I have perfected my ability to see as many things as possible while shopping.  I call it "speed shopping" and am able to take in mass amounts of murchandise into my eyes at one glance.  A skill many women will understand.

After roaming around the aisles, we both purchased some items and were very pleased with ourselves for the great deals we got.  Carolyn bought a pair of ruby earrings.  I purchased 2 gypsy boho blouses, a dress, and some Nag Champa perfume.  Now it was time to eat.  The market has designated an area for food venders and tables so it was very nice to be able to eat where I could have my doggie with me.

Carolyn and Xi Shi waiting for our food.

So many choices and so many flavors it was hard to make a decision.  I wanted something I could share with Xi Shi so I decided on a Cajun Burger and potatoes.  Something simple with no spicy sauce on the meat.  Carolyn got the same.

Our lunch was delicious.  Those potatoes were outstanding.

We were entertained by 2 musicians playing a banjo and a fiddle.  We were not sitting close to them as I was afraid that the noise would upset Xi Shi.  It was pretty loud in the market with music and talking and street noise.  By this time, Xi Shi had become used to it.... somewhat. 

Colorful lady on Decatur Street.

I was so pleased to see another person with a doggie stroller and stopped her to chat.  Her Schnauzer Poodle mix was just georgeous and friendly. 

After our meal we did a little more walking and enjoyed the perfect weather.  We stopped at a little park and took some photos.

This street entertainer was really good. 
His money basket was full as we all enjoyed his music and tipped him well.

Now it was time to let Xi Shi out of her stroller and stretch her legs so we went back to the levee near the river and let her out on her leash.  She was so happy to be on grass.  Especially this grass because it had so many different doggie smells.  She did her business (both kinds) and walked around trying to get attention from the folks sitting along the levee.  

Huge cruise ship. 
The Royal Caribbean Voyager of the Seas

Three cruise lines operate out of New Orleans. Carnival Cruises, Norwegian Cruise Line, and Royal Caribbean have Caribbean cruises from the Big Easy.

We packed ourselves into my van and paid $15 for our day of parking and headed home.  So that was our day trip to The Crescent City.  Very enjoyable and am planning to do it again real soon. 


  1. Looks like a great day. I have never been to New Orleans, but would like to walk around the "French Market" area.

  2. Hi Teri... I think you would enjoy yourself in the Market Place. Right outside of the Market area there are many shops and art galleries. And as always, there are some very colorful, interesting, and talented street people.

    1. This seems to be the only way to comment on your site, for some reason the comment section is not on here! Glad to see a blog entry, had not heard from u in a week or more. Always wonder if something is wrong, just life one would guess, sometimes just not anything to write about! I got to go to NO last year on the way west on I10 and had a day in the French Quarter, it was really neat to see, all the old architecture! Liked the market place. LOTS of store to look into. Bands playing, it was right before the Mardi Gras and was starting to look quite festive.
      Take Care

  3. Hi Loree... Not sure why you can't see the comment section. I have received a comment so I think it's working OK. I've never seen a comment show up like yours did in a black box. How did you do that? I haven't posted much as I have been staying close to home and not traveling. Generally, I only blog when I'm traveling as a way to keep in touch with family and friends while on the road as well as a diary for me.

    Good to hear you liked New Orleans. It's not for everyone but I really do enjoy the French Quarter. Thanks for stopping by.

  4. I think Xi Shi has learned the art of speed shopping too! Look at that face through the stroller ;-)
    Sounds like a nice day. It's been a few years since I've been to N.O. We used to have our Afghan Hound specialty in Kenner every year several years back (the kennel club has since disbanded), so we'd all pile into our vans & go to N.O! We'd tour some of the antebellum homes as well. Ahhh, the good old days of good food & fun.

  5. Hi TexCyn... We did have a nice day. Xi Shi adapts well. She's a little trooper.
