Thursday, April 26, 2012


Xi Shi and I stayed in bed till noon today.  My sunburn is better but still hurts so I stayed in my pajamas most of the day.  Got dressed this afternoon and walked to the pavilion to see what was going on with all those busses.  There were 5 bus loads of school children from the Baton Rouge area that came to plant seedlings on the beach today.

Once they were all gone and there was no one on the beach I let Xi go on the sand for a little while.  We sat at the picnic table and I took photos of us.  Then we headed back to our campsite.

The beach to the right of us is the new designated tenting area.  Beyond that is where the park manager said I could let Xi run and play if I carried her there.  We'll go there tomorrow.

The campground is filling up as we get closer to the weekend.

I took her off leash and we played fetch in our large front yard.  I'm trying to teach her how to stay in the yard and near the coach without being on leash.  It's working.   When Pat showed up this evening to pick me up for our dinner date, she obeyed my command to "stay" and not run towards his car.  I was so proud of her.  However, when he got out of the car, she ran to him... command or no command she was going to go and greet her friend.

He had just sat down at the table when his phone rang.  Xi was not getting the attention she usually gets from him and her face showed it.

I hated to leave her alone but I put her into the coach and left with Pat, hoping that she wouldn't bark.

We got to the marina just as the sun was setting over Caminada Bay.  I love this deck.  The rocking chairs are a nice touch and very comfortable. 

Not a lot of boats in the marina tonight.

The view from our table in the cafe.

The cafe was closed but the owner's daughter said she could make us the roast beef sandwiches we wanted.  We felt so special.  How nice of her to do that.  We sat at my favorite table by the windows and had a great view. 

My iPhone does not take good photos at night as this photo of the front of the marina shows.

I had a nice time and always enjoy Pat's company.

Xi Shi was so glad to see us when we got back.  She barked and talked and barked some more.  It took awhile to calm her down.  Now she is sleeping next to me and very happy that her Momi is home.


  1. That looks like a great setting for a cafe. Nice deck and a lovely sunset shot. Little Xi is such a princess - just like my big girl!!

    1. Hi Donna... That marina is a popular spot for boaters and they host many fishing rodeos during the summer. You can't get even close to those rocking chairs during the fishing events. Yes, my little Xi Shi is a princess. She has stolen my heart.

  2. Replies
    1. Hi Joel... Thanks. My iPhone takes pretty good shots in full sun but not at night. My Nikon camera is too bulky to carry around sometimes but it takes nice night shots if it's on a tripod. Have you been to Grand Isle lately?

    2. Oh, gosh, I haven't been to Grand Isle in twenty years - no kidding!
