Sunday, April 8, 2012


We left North Toledo Bend around 10:00 this morning and rode through the park . Looked at the boat launch, fishing pier, and pavilion then headed out to our next park.


Arrived at Hodges Gardens State Park in Florien, LA around 11:00 this morning. The site’s gardens consist of a variety of plants and flowers, from a formal rose garden to a collection of Japanese Red Maple trees. There are walkways and bridges throughout the gardens which allow the visitor to stroll through an abundance of flora. There are waterfalls, pools, a geyser, and fountains. In addition to the gardens, there is a lake, walking trails, cabins, tent campsites, and a group camp. However, this is a day use area only for RVers. There is tent camping with no hookups for $12 a night and cabins by the lake starting for $85 a night.  No overnight camping for camp trailers.  There are paddle boats, canoes, and kayaks for rent at $5.00 per hour.  We walked around the grounds and I took many photos, then we left for our next park.

Awesome welcome sign.

Willow Point

Willow Point

Japanese Gardens

Is that Easter basket big enough for you Xi?

Cabins by the lake.  Photo from website.

Only 14 miles from Texas.


Arrived at South Toledo Bend State Park around 1:00 this afternoon. Friendly staff checked me in and I asked if there were any sites nearer the lake than my reserved site. I was informed that there would be 4 available tomorrow and to ride by and see which one I wanted. I also inquired as to the possibility of bringing my dog on the beach. Her reply was, "Yes, you can walk your dog on the beach but not in the water."  I loved hearing that.

Got to my site and hooked up. This site is by far the most unlevel site I’ve been in EVER. Since I was planning on moving I decided not to block up my back end and hope that the site I’m moving to will be better.

I could hear music and noticed that there was a band playing across the street from me and a large number of people gathered around. Cars and trucks were parked everywhere on the grass and in empty sites.  It appears that they are a caravan of about 6 campers and lots and lots of kids.  I think it was only a 2 piece band but they sounded nice. They played country music, which I don’t like, but I could appreciate their sound for only 2 pieces. Their vocals were also very nice. However, that’s a little too much for me so that’s when I called the office to confirm that I wanted site #38. So tomorrow I move to a nicer section of the park in a premium site.

I’m not very far from the beach but haven’t been yet. Too many kids. I may wait till Sunday afternoon or Monday when I know they will be gone. I have a nice deck but no trees to give me shade and it was hot today. I would have to put my awning out and so I’ll just wait till I move. I do have a path behind my site that leads to the lake and has a fishing pier/boat dock. It’s very nice.

I was told that this park was nicer than North Toledo Bend but I’m not sure it is. I’ll have to reserve my judgement till tomorrow when I can observe it more closely.  However, the sites are closer together - even the premium sites - and there is no privacy between sites like there was at North Toledo Bend.  BUT... there is a beach.

I'm excited about the beach and can't wait to see it.  It’s a holiday weekend and the park is full and everyone appears to be having fun.

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