Thursday, March 21, 2013


When I returned home from the Grand Isle State Park, I removed the electric bike from the basement of the RV in order to clean off the sand.  I had put the bike into the basement twice and removed it now twice with no problems.  However, two days later I experienced terrific pain in my right wrist and hand.  I could not figure out what happened as I had done nothing that day to hurt myself.  It took me a week to figure out that it was when I removed the bike from the RV when I got home from the beach.

I placed an ace bandage on my arm and just waited for it to heal.  Well, a week later it was not improving but getting worse.  So I went in for an X-ray and luckily it was not broken but has torn ligaments which is very painful.  I was given a prescription for a topical ointment for pain and fitted for an arm brace to wear for 4 to 6 weeks.  Isn't that just great?!!!

Now my plan for an extended trip in the RV is on hold.  This is the time of year that I really like to travel and I'll be sitting at home healing... slowly... very slowly.  The doctor told me that the topical ointment would bypass my stomach and therefore not hurt my ulcers.  Not true.  Within 3 days I was in severe stomach pain that I'm very familiar with as I have 3 ulcers.  So no more help in alleviating the pain.  I'll just wear the brace, keep it still, and wait for it to heal.

My RV door lock arrived during all of this and I am now unable to install it myself.  So am waiting for a friend to come for a visit to have it installed.  I have come to realize just how awkward it is not to be able to use your right hand.  I can name a list of things I can no longer do without experiencing a lot of pain.  I do try to use my left hand and as difficult as it is to do so, I'm managing.

So for now I'm trying to be patient and wait for the injury to heal.  I had planned a long trip to Florida and up the coast to Georgia, South Carolina, and North Carolina, but not sure if I'll be able to go this year.  I don't want to travel in the hot months which are just around the corner.  April was my time to do that trip and I'll still be wearing the brace.  I could still go on the trip but would not be able to use the bike or deploy my RV awning or maneuver through the dumping process with ease.  So here I sit at the most beautiful time of the year looking at my RV sitting in the driveway.

It's always something.


  1. Oh Gypsy, I am so very sorry! How frustrating that must be for you; however, as trite as it sounds, I do believe everything does happen for a reason. Although our static situation is a very good one, I so miss the open road and traveling. ~~ sigh ~~ Here's hoping you'll be healed up in time to make that trip before Summer really sets in!

    1. Hi Texas Yellow Rose... Yes, it is very frustrating but I'm just glad that I don't have any broken bones.

  2. So hear about your pain....maybe it will heal fast...
    the fall would be a good time to do that trip...keep that in mind

  3. Hope the healing goes well. I hate when I am in pain and don't know why. Having some really bad shoulder and neck pain for almost a week now. Have been to the Dr. and said I must have done something even opening a jar could have done this.

    1. Hi JO... My problem is that I can't get used to the fact that my bones are old and I should not be doing things that I could do when I was younger. Hope your pain goes away soon.

  4. Hope you heal quickly! I had a few weeks when I couldn't use my left wrist or either thumb (tendinitis from strain while driving through heavy winds) so I know what you're going through. My left hand is almost okay now, but my right thumb is still taped. A friend said it can take up to 3 months. That's fine with me, as long as it eventually heals. The brace you're wearing should help a lot. I also found heat helped my left wrist a LOT. I had almost immediate relief and kept it wrapped in a heated (neck) wrap most of the day for about a week. I wonder if that would help you - at least part of the day?

    1. Hi Barbara... Yes, heat does help with the pain alot. I use a heating pad at night and get relief but it still wakes me up several times during the night. Hope your right hand heals soon.

  5. Haven't seen you posting lately and just hoping you are healing well. We are in Ajo Arizona, soaking up the sun before we make our journey north. Miss LA and hope to be back there next year. Just a thank you for all your help to help us enjoy your beautiful State. Take care Melissa

    1. Hi Melissa... I think I'm healing but it sure is slow. I wear my brace as much as possible but can't do much with it on so I'm constantly taking it off to do chores as well as be on the computer.

      Have read alot about Ajo, Arizona on various blogs. Many folks like it. I thought you would be back in Canada by now.

      Hope you do get to come back to Louisiana next year.

      Good to hear from you.

  6. Oh, so sorry for your hand issues, yes, it is always something, isn't it?
