Monday, June 17, 2013


I wanted to sleep next to the Gulf just one more time before the real hot days of summer would prevent doing that.  So this morning I packed up the dogs and food and left the cats at home.  Just going for a week and they do well with lots of food and water and large litter box.

Left Houma around noon and arrived at Holly Beach, LA at 4:30.  Last time I drove here I took the back roads and it took me 5 hours.  I thought I could cut at least an hour off of that time by staying on the interstate till I got to Lake Charles then head south but to my surprise it only cut 30 minutes off my travel time.

I was glad to see that it was windy on the beach so knew I would be able to sleep with the windows open.  I was also very happy to see another camper and parked near it.  Last time I was here was in December and there was no one camping on the beach.  There also seems to be alot of cars here for the day with children playing in the surf.  So far, I feel safe.  This area is pretty isolated and the nearest store is 20 miles away.  There are many camps but not sure if they are occupied at this time.  Don't see many cars at these houses.

The dogs were glad to be on the sand again and sniffed to their little heart's content.  They slept all the way here and were ready to potty.  Even though it was windy it was very hot.  Didn't stay long outside.  Came in and turned the generator on and then the AC.  It was 90 degrees in the coach with the wind blowing in through the open windows and door.  The dogs were panting so hard and looking at me as if to ask, "Hey, what's going on here?"  It took awhile to get the coach cool but it's nice now.

My favorite things to see out my camper door - sand and surf.

I'll run the generator till the sun goes down and then see if I can stand the heat.  I sure do miss winter.  Just love camping when it's cold.


  1. Replies
    1. Hi Lynda... It's really not bad for a free beach.

  2. We drove there and thought how beautiful. Where do you access the beach to boondock and are you allowed? Can't wait to get back there. It is hot now, but hope you realize and know you do,what a beautiful part of the world you are in. We sure miss it. If you ever get up across the border, please let me know and I can let you know of some truly wonderful boondocking spots,

    1. Hi Melissa... There are many streets that lead to the beach. If you look at Google Earth maps of Holly Beach, LA you will see the layout of the area. Not much left of the town or businesses as the storms have blown them away. There is a lot of rebuilding going on and the camps on stilts are really beautiful. It's a long way from Grand Isle but to be able to sleep on the beach is the best. Good to hear from you.

  3. We drove by that area on our day trip to Port Arthur last year from Palmetto Island State Park, I didn't know you could camp right on the beach!! Hmmm, a return trip to La. will be due sometime.

    1. Hi Morgan... Yes, it's a free beach and overnight parking is allowed. It's hard to find such accomodations. Of course, I'm almost in Texas when I'm there which is a far drive for me from Houma to be able to sleep near the waves for a few nights.

  4. I haven't been back to Holly Beach since after Hurricane Rita. There was nothing left except a few posts. It was sad. We spent some fun times there when my boys were young. I will have to take a drive to see what they have built.

    1. Hi Martha... There are some pretty new camps along the beach and rebuilding is ongoing. However, I'm surprised at the lack of use of their free beach by campers. I've been there in the winter and summer and haven't seen anyone camping overnight on the beach. Sure wish I didn't live so far away.

      Good to hear from you.
