Tuesday, July 30, 2013


Had a good night's sleep and this morning opened the awning and put down my mat and set up my chairs.  It was really hot and I could only stay out for a little while then had to go back into the cooler air in the RV. 

At lunchtime Pat brought over a roast beef poboy sandwich that he made on a tosted piece of French Bread.  It was delicious.  I had not eaten French Bread since last August when I was diagnosed with diabetes.  It was the one thing I knew I had better give up in order to lower my blood sugar.  However, this is my birthday week so I indulged.  It will probably be another year before I eat another piece of that delicious bread.

Walked the dogs around Pat's property and took a few photos.  Spent some relaxing time on the tree swing. 

Good photo of my new porcelain caps. 

Life like alligator made of cement.

One of Pat's two cats.


Love these palms.  They are 15 years old.

Some shade is nice.

Later in the afternoon, attached the doggie cart to the bike and we took a ride to the beach.  I was surprised to see that the beach had built up all the way to the rock jetties. 

Rode for a long time then let the dogs out of the cart and walked them around.  They played in the water a bit then we headed back to the RV.  Rinsed them off with the outdoor shower hose and then put them inside.

Rode Pat's ATV up the street to the little store and got some friend chicken for supper.  Took a shower and now I'm watching DVDs of Frazier.   My little doggies are sleeping next to me and I think they enjoyed their time at the beach.

Tomorrow I'll go to the beach solo.  I just want to chill for awhile at the water's edge in my comfortable chair and gaze out at the waves.


  1. Replies
    1. Hi TYR... Yes, it is. How lucky I am to be able to enjoy the wonderful hospitality of a good friend as well as the opportunity to be on an island in the Gulf of Mexico. It's great.

  2. Beautiful photos - I like the bike with the pups' carrier attached. Pat has some nice looking property.

    Your caps look great! Nothing like a beautiful smile. :)

    1. Hi Barbara... Pat's compound is located at the end of a dead-end street so there is lots of privacy. He has planted so many kinds of trees and bushes and flowers that it is a pleasure to walk around his property and enjoy it all.

      I've waited a long time to get those caps due to the cost but it just had to be done so I'm glad I did. The medicine I have to drink for my kidney stones destroyed my enamel and you could see through my front teeth which were horribly discolored. So now I can smile without being ashamed.

      Hope you are doing well.

  3. Happy Birfday!

    You're enticing us down to Grand Isle. Everytime you mention it or post pictures we move it up a notch on our list of where to visit. Looks like sometime in October for us. Looks delightful.

    A retired Photographer looks at life
    Life Unscripted

    1. Hi Peter... October should be great weather here at the beach. Thanks for the birthday wishes.
